Preventative Measures to Avoid Raccoon Infestations: Tips from Capital Wildlife Control

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Raccoon infestations can cause significant damage to your home and pose health risks to your family. Preventing these clever and persistent animals from entering your property is essential. Capital Wildlife Control offers expert advice on how to avoid raccoon infestations effectively. By following these preventative measures, you can protect your home and enjoy peace of mind.

1. Secure Your Trash Bins Raccoons are attracted to easily accessible food sources, and garbage bins are a prime target. Ensure that your trash bins have tight-fitting lids and are kept in a secure location. Consider using bungee cords or locks to keep lids closed. If possible, store bins in a garage or shed until trash collection day.

2. Eliminate Food Sources Pet food, birdseed, and compost piles can attract raccoons. Feed pets indoors, and store pet food in sealed containers. Avoid leaving birdseed out overnight, and use bird feeders that are designed to be raccoon-proof. Compost piles should be securely covered to prevent raccoons from scavenging.

3. Seal Entry Points Inspect your home for potential entry points that raccoons could use to gain access. Common entry points include vents, chimneys, soffits, and gaps in the roofline. Use heavy-gauge hardware cloth or metal flashing to seal these openings. Ensure that chimneys have proper caps to prevent raccoons from entering.

4. Trim Tree Branches Raccoons are excellent climbers and can use overhanging tree branches to access your roof. Trim tree branches so they are at least 10 feet away from your home. This reduces the likelihood of raccoons reaching your roof and finding entry points.

5. Maintain Your Yard A cluttered yard provides raccoons with hiding spots and nesting materials. Keep your yard tidy by removing piles of leaves, wood, and debris. Regularly mow the lawn and trim bushes to eliminate potential hiding places.

6. Install Motion-Activated Lights Raccoons are nocturnal animals and prefer to move around under the cover of darkness. Installing motion-activated lights around your property can deter raccoons from approaching. These lights startle raccoons and make them less likely to linger in well-lit areas.

7. Use Natural Deterrents Certain scents can deter raccoons from entering your property. Ammonia-soaked rags, cayenne pepper, and predator urine (such as coyote or fox urine) can be effective repellents. Place these deterrents near entry points and other areas where raccoons are active.

8. Regular Inspections Conduct regular inspections of your home and property to identify potential issues before they become serious problems. Look for signs of raccoon activity, such as tracks, droppings, or damaged areas. Address any issues promptly to prevent raccoons from gaining access.

Why Choose Capital Wildlife Control? If you suspect that raccoons have already entered your home, it’s essential to seek professional help. Capital Wildlife Control offers comprehensive raccoon removal services that prioritize humane and effective solutions. Their team of experts can safely remove raccoons, seal entry points, and provide preventative measures to keep your home raccoon-free.

Enlèvement des Écureuils Capital Wildlife For those dealing with squirrel infestations as well, enlèvement des ecureuils Capital Wildlife provides specialized services to handle these pests. Their experienced team ensures that both raccoons and squirrels are removed humanely and that your home is protected from future infestations.

Conclusion Preventing raccoon infestations requires proactive measures and regular maintenance of your property. By securing food sources, sealing entry points, and keeping your yard tidy, you can reduce the risk of raccoons invading your home. For expert assistance and comprehensive wildlife control services, trust Capital Wildlife Control to keep your home safe and raccoon-free. Remember, taking preventative steps today can save you from dealing with a more significant problem in the future.

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